Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Planting Seeds Can Be One Of The Most Enjoyable Parts Of Gardening part 2

Start your seeds by soaking your growing medium first then adding the seeds. Keep the medium almost soaked for the first 2 days of planting to help soften the seeds hard shell then remove the medium from any standing water so that it can start to dry out. Letting the medium start to dry up some what will allow for air circulation and also cause the seedling to spread their roots in search of moisture. Don't let the medium totally dry out. Once that you notice that it is getting dry just add more water to it.

You will need a propagation tray and humidity dome. Use these to keep your medium and seeds in the perfect environment. You should use a spray bottle to mist water on the inside of the tray at least once per day to keep high humidity around your seeds. (Plants that are kept under a humidity dome will sometimes require having the lid removed for small amounts of time to allow for it to adapt to the future drop in humidity. If this is not watched carefully your seedling may wilt very quickly when transplanting to a much more intense light).

Seedlings don't require as an intense amount of light as does a more mature plant. You will want to use a fluorescent grow light about 2" above the top of your seedlings. Too much intense light and heat will burn them up and kill them.

After your seedlings have grown enough that you see that the root system has fully taken hold of its growing medium, its time to transplant them. Do this by simply placing the rooted seedling in or onto a larger amount of medium. They are at this time ready to go under more intense light. (It is recommended to keep a close eye on your newly introduced transplants into a more intense light than what it's used to. If you notice shortly after introducing into more intense light that the transplants are wilting, take them back to there original area and slowly introduce them into there new home).

source : hydroponicsearch

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